Excerpts from Social Media and Society : Papacharissi

We Have Always Been Social
. . . And we will always be social.

…  “To term some media social implies that there are other media that are perhaps anti-social, or even not social at all—asocial. It also invites comparisons between media based on how social each medium is. But each medium is social in its own unique way …”  Read the rest here

Note from Culture Digitally :  Many of our contributors, readers and the authors presented in the next few excerpts will be at the International Communication Association (ICA) meeting next week.  If you read and enjoyed a piece or have a burning question or topic, we encourage you to find each other, shake hands, hug it out and geek out over coffee or a nice mojito.  As Zizi notes in her introduction, “we have always been social” through a number of media.  Long before the internet, email and cell phones we were social.  A fine practice indeed and we encourage it.