Josh Braun

Joshua Braun is an assistant professor in the Journalism Department at UMass Amherst, a former graduate fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, and an affiliated fellow of The Information Society Project at Yale Law School. His work examines sociological questions surrounding the online distribution of television and other media. His first book, This Program is Brought To You By…, on digital distribution of TV news, was published in 2015 by Yale University Press. Josh's papers have appeared in Communication Theory, Communication, Culture & Critique, Journalism, Journalism Practice, and Social Media & Society.

at Culture Digitally, we’re thinking about our scholarship in the harsh light of this week

Yesterday was a surprising, difficult day for a lot of us. For many of us based in the U.S., amidst whatever political feelings we were having, it spurred us to think hard about our own work and research agendas, and how they should shift to face new political realities. So some of us spent the day […]

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ICA Preconference on Media Distribution

Distribution Matters Media Circulation in Civic Life and Popular Culture ICA Preconference Call May 25, 2017 in San Diego [PDF for printing | TXT for emailing] Culture Digitally has generously agreed to sponsor this event. This call and future updates about the preconference can be found at —Josh Braun, Ramon Lobato & Amanda Lotz, […]

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'Retro' CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Guillaume DELEBARRE (Guigui-Lille)

“Media, Technology & Culture” open access audio lectures

Last fall I began teaching the “Media, Technology & Culture” undergraduate course at UMass Amherst. I decided to run a “flipped classroom,” wherein students would listen to many (though not all) of the lectures outside of class and we’d spend our time in person discussing the material. In addition to opening up lots of class […]

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“Freedom Edition”: Considering Sony Pictures and ‘The Interview’

Introduction Josh Braun Assistant Professor of Film, Video, and Interactive Media, Quinnipiac University The panelists in this dialogue are among the best qualified I can imagine to discuss the recent security breach at Sony Pictures Entertainment and the ensuing cultural moment surrounding The Interview. Hugh Gusterson is an anthropologist who has spent several decades studying […]

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Going Over the Top: Online Television Distribution as Socio-technological System

With the permission of the editorial staff of Communication, Culture & Critique, I’m pleased to share a pre-print of my forthcoming article, “Going over the top: Online television distribution as socio-technological system.” As I say in the essay, “many of the most interesting scholars on the subject of the politics of technology focus on its […]

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