Hector Postigo

Temple Dept. of Department of Media Studies & Production




Scott Brennen’s and Dan Kriess’ post Digitalization and Digitization has been translated into Japanese by Akiko Uchida. For our readers who might want to read in Japanese see IT Lexicon.

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The Visual Rhetoric of Data Part 2: Political Maps and Infographics

“…maps give us, reality, a reality that exceeds our reach, our vision, the span of our days, a reality we achieve in no other way. ” So wrote Denis Wood when discussing how maps construct our reality (Wood, 2016). Maps are tools for knowing the world but also, ways of knowing it. They communicate what […]

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The Visual Rhetoric of Data Part 1: Race, Class and Changes in Mortality Rates

In a recent publication from the Brookings Institute economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton presented data showing drastic changes in mortality rates among Americans of various ethnic, racial and educational backgrounds. (Case and Deaton 2017) Mortality rates among White non-Hispanic Americans with a high-school education or less were highlighted specifically in the paper. The research, […]

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Culture Digitally scholars writing elsewhere about the election and its ramifications

Over the last two days, we’ve invited Culture Digitally scholars to think hard about the U.S. election, about the scholarship that will need to happen in the next four years, and how to move the field forward in light of new political realities in the U.S. and around the world. You can read their comments here […]

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more Culture Digitally scholars reflect on the election and our scholarship going forward

Below is a second wave of comments from Culture Digitally scholars, grappling with the U.S. election and its implications for our scholarship. (First post is available here.) Read through, or skip to contributions from Mary Gray, Kate Miltner, Ted Striphas, Ilana Gershon, P. M. Hillier, and Mike Ananny.  As we said yesterday, we know the […]

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