Tim Jordan

University of Sussex, Head of the School of Media, Film and Music


From Intersection to Interconnection. Or, “How Low Do You Have to Go?”

The despair that followed Trump’s victory for many only began to shift for me when I remembered some words from 1972, written in a similar state of despair at the time of Richard Nixon’s victory over George McGovern in that year’s Presidential race. Not that these words were hopeful, but their outrage reminded me of […]

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Communication and the Internet: Hearsay Culture Podcast

If you don’t follow the Hearsay Culture podcasts then they are a great set of discussions with a range of folk relevant to issues of culture and the digital, including a few withthose who contribute to Culture Digitally such as Tom Streeter or Tarleton Gillespie. A recent addition was a podcast Tim Jordan made with […]

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Announcement: New Book from Tim Jordan on Communication and the Internet

The question of what difference the internet makes has been a perennial for those of us studying digital cultures of one sort or another. What I’ve attempted to do over the last few years is to look at what might have changed in communication since the rise to mass use of internet cultures and technologies. […]

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Affordances, technical agency, and the politics of technologies of cultural production

a dialogue between Gina Neff, Tim Jordan, and Joshua McVeigh-Schulz   (This is the first of Culture Digitally’s “dialogues.” Spurred first by comments by Gina Neff at the March 2011 workshop, and then by one of her blogposts, I asked if we could use an excerpt of that post as the opening salvo in a dialogue about […]

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One of those Guild moments: Part One

[Cross-posted at Digital Culture at KCL] I’ve been in an online gaming guild for over ten years. My very first guild was in Dark Age of Camelot and across a few guilds in that virtual space we got to know a lot of people, who then joined the same guild when World of Warcraft was […]

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