The Cultural Studies podcast, hosted by Toby Miller, has posted its latest interview, with our own Nick Couldry. Nick narrates his academic career and offers glimpses of his forthcoming book, Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice (Polity), which he calls:
“An attempt to think about the implications for my earlier work on media rituals, reality media, media power generally, of the whole digital revolution. Does it fundamentally change the starting points, in a way that my earlier approach makes no sense anymore and falls apart… or does it in fact show us and open up the possibility that the forms of power that we have been familiar with will continue — in new forms, on the basis of new infrastructures — because they need to continue, because they are very close to underlying power structures?”
(I’ve found the audio on the website glitchy. If you have any trouble, it’s available free through iTunes.)
(photo by QUT Creative Industries)