As is becoming increasingly common, the Consumer Electronics Show has sent a tidal wave of news stories and press releases roaring into my RSS reader, full of information about the latest inventions aimed at changing the way we watch television and online video. Three short years ago, such news was scant. In 2009, Brad Stone […]
Josh Braun
Joshua Braun is an assistant professor in the Journalism Department at UMass Amherst, a former graduate fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, and an affiliated fellow of The Information Society Project at Yale Law School. His work examines sociological questions surrounding the online distribution of television and other media. His first book, This Program is Brought To You By…, on digital distribution of TV news, was published in 2015 by Yale University Press. Josh's papers have appeared in Communication Theory, Communication, Culture & Critique, Journalism, Journalism Practice, and Social Media & Society.