My book, Social Media at BBC News: The Re-Making of Crisis Reporting, has just been published with Routledge in the Research in Journalism series. I am delighted share an excerpt with Culture Digitally, and I hope that it will foster an enriching dialogue with this intellectual community. The premise of my book is that the transformation […]
Valerie Belair-Gagnon
Valerie Belair-Gagnon is an Assistant Professor of Journalism Studies at the University of Minnesota School of Journalism & Mass Communication. Her research focuses on emerging media, journalism, and media sociology. Prior to that, she was Executive Director and Research Scholar at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School. She earned a BA from McGill University, an MSc from Université de Montréal, and a PhD in sociology from City University London. She has written on media and technologies for academic journals, popular media and blogs drawing attention to the issues surrounding changes in technologies and media norms and practices worldwide.