Tagged: Games

A 4-Front War…

[Cross Posted: CASTAC, Gamasutra and #CultD] I was going to write about the butterfly effect, ethnography and a key informant’s book on the development of the game Jagged Alliance 2. But then the portion of the Internet surrounding videogames and game development exploded. I’ve started posts previously with the line, “I teach game design…” I’ll […]

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Digital Fabrication and Hybrid Materialities

On a recent visit to Out of Hand: Materializing the Postdigital, an exhibition about digital fabrication at New York’s Museum of Art and Design, I was struck by the ways in which these new tools had replaced traditional materials and processes on the small, white rectangular museum labels. More specifically, in this exhibition, digital fabrication […]

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Culture Digitally the Podcast Episode 4: Conversations on Game Studies, Game Development and the Construction of Liesure and Work

Hello everyone.   We have a new episode of Culture Digitally the Podcast.  It’s our 4th installment in a series that documents conversations among digital media scholars on issues relevant to the study of culture, digital media and technology.   As previously the discussion format is open and gives our readers the chance to hear our contributors […]

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Reflecting on 15 Years of Hell: End User License Agreements and Diablo

In the first Ro15oH post, I introduced the idea that Diablo (taken as a kind of 15-year whole) offers a productive lens through which to think about shifting modes of media practice. While I indexed a conversation over Facebook between myself and old friends on the topic, it was actually the End User License Agreements […]

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