Tagged: participatory culture

Book Announcement and Excerpt: Social Media and the Transformation of News Production

My book, Social Media at BBC News: The Re-Making of Crisis Reporting, has just been published with Routledge in the Research in Journalism series. I am delighted share an excerpt with Culture Digitally, and I hope that it will foster an enriching dialogue with this intellectual community. The premise of my book is that the transformation […]

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Low Power to the People! Sneak Peek

At the invitation of Culture Digitally and with the permission of my publisher, MIT Press, I am thrilled to provide the introduction of my just-out book, Low Power to the People: Pirates, Protest, and Politics in FM Radio Activism. (With bonus pictures not in the book!) Though the book is centered on FM radio activism, issues of digitality loom large. […]

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Capture, Fixation and Conversation: How The Matrix Has You and Will Sell You, Part 3/3

Fixation: The fixing process is important to me theoretically because it’s a cross cutting term. Fixing suggests that capture is not just a matter of direct representation but of representation in a particular way.  So, in so much as platforms, or networks of platforms, capture and fix, they do so with a certain plan. In as […]

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