Some contributors to Culture Digitally have a busy week starting October 7th! On October 8th Microsoft Research New England is hosting its 5th Anniversary Symposium to commemorate its founding in 2008. As part of this event former and existing visiting researchers have been asked to attend and some will present their research. From Culture Digitally, Gina Neff will be presenting her work based on her article Why Big Data Won’t Cure Us and Tarleton Gillespie will present work based on a forthcoming article he authored with Microsoft’s Cate Crawford. His talk is titled “What is a flag worth? Social media Reporting Tools and the Vocabulary of Complaint.” I will be there participate in the audience! On October 10th, Hector Postigo will be at the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The Center for Global Communication Studies is holding a symposium on Digital Methods, Ethical Challenges. Hector will present the talk, “Participatory observation, participatory culture and interventionist research: When should we strive to be more than observers in digital culture?” Please check back in the weeks that follow for podcasts and other reports from the field.